Much More Than a Scorer

Carmelo-Anthony-espn-the-magazine-2014-2Scoring Champion, 8x NBA All-Star, Olympic Gold Medalist, father, husband, and lover of the finer things of life, Carmelo Anthony still feels something is missing in life—his legacy. What will he be remembered for? Simply a high profile basketball player who has yet to win a ring? Anthony hates being known as only a New York Knicks forward. He realizes the opportunities he’s been blessed with are bigger than basketball. Defined by the media, the naysayers, and the critics by what he doesn’t have—a winning team and a profile as the best player, Anthony has set his sights on creating a bulletproof legacy in a new arena. Anthony recently started a tech investment firm with his business partner, Goldfarb, a noted media personality. Together Anthony and Goldfarb founded M7 (“Melo7”) Tech Partners to invest in early stage digital media and technology ventures.  Anthony is known for having the newest and hottest technology and is a self-described gadget freak, so he welcomed the opportunity to venture into tech investments. M7 investments include SeatGeek—a search engine for event tickets, Orange Chef—a smart nutrition scale, and most recently Alpha Draft—a fantasy eSports startup—among many others.  A cultural icon, Anthony is using his creativity, star power, and influence to redefine himself. His love for technological luxuries have allowed him to stretch beyond basketball and shape his own reputation. Anthony has embraced his fear of being a disappointment to the basketball world and begun mapping a future he can control. The greatest advice he’s received thus far: “Find one thing you’re passionate about and start building on that now.”

From Football to Farming?


Former NFL Player Jason Brown was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in 2005, receiving a $37 million five-year contract, $20 million of which was guaranteed. He was living a lavish life in his 11,000-square-foot home in St. Louis with a 45-foot pool and 12-seat theater. So what made Brown walk away from fame and fortune to the modest lifestyle of farming just three years into his contract? A strong sense of conviction to live a life of meaning. Discouraged by his peers and agent, Brown did what felt true to him and left the NFL in 2012. Brown credits his desire to live a life of service and his Christian faith for his decision. Through Youtube videos and the support of local farmers and volunteers, Brown started “First Fruits Farms” in Louisburg, North Carolina. The 1030 acre farm distributes the first fruits of every harvest to several charitable organization throughout North Carolina. Brown said, “God revealed to me that he had something greater in store for me and that my family should move back to my home state of North Carolina and start a farm.” Recognizing that his life importance lies within fulfilling God’s plans, Brown become more in tuned with his values and discovered a greater sense of purpose to spread love by helping those in need.




Entrepreneurship: The Equalizer for Success

Known for her flawless body, impeccable dancing skills, and social activism, actress Jessica Alba can now add entrepreneur to her resume. A self-proclaimed health advocate, Alba used her celebrity platform to draw attention to her company, the Honest Company. After an allergic reaction to laundry detergent, Alba recognized there was a void that needed to be filled in the lack of healthy alternatives for baby shampoo, household cleaners, and diapers. The Honest Company began as an e-commerce entity and continues to flourish with current distribution in Costco, Nordstrom, Whole Foods, and Buy Buy Baby, Honest Company and an evaluation of nearly $1 billion. The Honest Company provides various safe, eco-friendly essential products from diapers, bath and body, cleaning, and everything baby.

Alba has become so committed and focused on the Honest Company that she often finds herself talking about her company on red carpets rather than promoting her movies. Alba’s duality of actress and entrepreneur demonstrate that businessman can pursue multiple opportunities. Rather than simply promote a fragrance or other beauty product like other celebrity actresses, Alba used her frustration with toxic chemicals in baby products and other household products to create her own line of safer products for children and families. Alba admits that many of her entertainment advisers were initially hesitant about her new business venture. However, Alba’s fortitude and determination to see her ideas become a reality led to her continued research, investment of her own money, and refining of her business model. Alba realizes that the Honest Company, which represents authenticity, savvy style, and social responsibility truly reflects who she is as a person. Alba’s advice for other young entrepreneurs:

  1. “Understand the marketplace for your business—it’s key.
  2. Have realistic business expectations and come to terms with the fact that it may be too much of a lofty dream and tailor your business plan appropriately.
  3. Stick to your guns—if someone can persuade you to depart from your idea, it’s a sign that the business might not be the right fit for you.”