From Football to Farming?


Former NFL Player Jason Brown was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in 2005, receiving a $37 million five-year contract, $20 million of which was guaranteed. He was living a lavish life in his 11,000-square-foot home in St. Louis with a 45-foot pool and 12-seat theater. So what made Brown walk away from fame and fortune to the modest lifestyle of farming just three years into his contract? A strong sense of conviction to live a life of meaning. Discouraged by his peers and agent, Brown did what felt true to him and left the NFL in 2012. Brown credits his desire to live a life of service and his Christian faith for his decision. Through Youtube videos and the support of local farmers and volunteers, Brown started “First Fruits Farms” in Louisburg, North Carolina. The 1030 acre farm distributes the first fruits of every harvest to several charitable organization throughout North Carolina. Brown said, “God revealed to me that he had something greater in store for me and that my family should move back to my home state of North Carolina and start a farm.” Recognizing that his life importance lies within fulfilling God’s plans, Brown become more in tuned with his values and discovered a greater sense of purpose to spread love by helping those in need.




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